Historic Sandusky, Lynchburg, VA

Historic Sandusky, Lynchburg, VA

Built around 1808 by Charles Johnston, whose family had emigrated from Scotland, Sandusky served as Union Headquarters during the Battle of Lynchburg in 1864. Union forces under General David Hunter were determined to capture Lynchburg and render its excellent transportation facilities useless to the Confederate cause. However, it has seen more than 200 years of local and national history. Though the house was built in the Federal era the current restoration and interpretation reflects Sandusky as it appeared 1850-1870. (More information: https://www.historicsandusky.org/history)

This sketch is from a photograph I took this past September. (Moleskine 200gsm Watercolour paper done with Micron fine tip pen. 4 1/2” x 6 1/2”)

Historic Sandusky

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