Great Camera Bags - Can They Also Be Great Art Bags?

Great Camera Bags - Can They Also Be Great Art Bags?

The Lowepro Streamline 250 - this is now my everyday carry bag.

Eagle Creek shoulder bag - this serves me for scenario #2 minus a camera.

As a photographer, I obsessed over bags, always searching for the “right” one. As a result I accumulated a number of bags. Since one never knows when a discarded bag may end up being a great bag again, I still have many of them. So, naturally, as I fail to find the “perfect” bag for my art materials for on-location sketching and painting (the Etchr Slate Mini, for example), I am reassessing my camera bags to see if one might work.

The problem is, with drawing unlike photography, I find I have three “what I want to have with me” scenarios: (1) I’m just going to be out and about with no specific thought to sketching and painting but I do want to have, at least a sketchbook and pencils and pens. Plus, I always like to have my 12.9 iPad Pro with me as well as a few other things; (2) I’m going out and I know I’m going to find something to sketch so I want a good sketchbook, pens, pencils, brushes and a palette. Plus I want to have my foldable, Coroplast drawing board, paper towels, water holder, and bottle of water. And, of course, my 12.9 iPad Pro and my other personal things. In addition, I might want to have a proper camera with a good lens; and (3) I’m going to be traveling so I want everything in #2 plus definitely a camera with a wide focal length range (e.g., 14mm-140mm) and additional palettes and sketchbooks.

Vanquest STICH-12 bag - this is a very expandable bag and can definitely be used for scenario #3.

You see my problem, right? I have bags I can use for each of these scenarios but I hate having to move things from bag to bag. That’s okay for #3 but not when I’m bouncing back and forth between #1 and #2. I know there’s a solution here but I just have to bite the bullet and implement it. In fact, the bag I’m thinking of using for extended travel (#3) could potentially be used for all three scenarios - my Vanquest SKITCH-12 - as it can be set to three different sizes. Problem is, even at its smallest size, it’s a bit big for everyday carry. Plus the main cavity is one big container. I need to add something inside to divide it up.

You may be thinking, “Wow, Bill, you’re really making a big deal out of something not very important!” If that’s what you’re thing, you’re probably correct but then you’re also probably not a bag nut like I am. I love to try to solve these kind of problems. To me it’s fun. Sick? Maybe. But I still like to do it. So, I’ll keep working on this “problem” and let you know what I come up with as a solution. Since my Etchr purchase disappointment, what I’m trying not to do is buy a new bag. But that’s a whole other problem!

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