Where Do You Do On-Location Sketching?

Where Do You Do On-Location Sketching?

On Broad Street, Richmond, VA - John A. Hancock workshop.

On-location sketching can be done anywhere. And just because it is also often called “urban” sketching doesn’t mean it can only be done in a city or urban area. The ‘official’ urban sketchers group, “Urban Sketchers Organization” (http://www.urbansketchers.org/), has what it calls its manifesto and item #1 in the manifesto states, “We draw on location, indoors or out, capturing what we see from direct observation.” So, see, even sketching indoors is considered ‘urban sketching!’ And the “outdoors” in which you sketch and paint can be on a farm, along a country road, at the beach, even in a deep forest, as well as, of course, in the middle of downtown Anywhere, USA (or any country)! As item #2 in the manifesto says, “Our drawings tell the story of our surroundings, the places we live and where we travel.” And item #3 says, “Our drawings are a record of time and place.”

John A. Hancock demonstration.

Urban Sketching Workshop in Richmond, VA, with John A. Hancock

My plan is to go out to different places in and around my hometown of Lynchburg, Virginia, on, at least, a weekly basis to sketch and paint not only Lynchburg landmarks like our Monument Terrace Steps or Point of Honor but also everyday things such as construction on Main Street, eating areas in the Community Market or just the corner of an interesting building. There are many, many interesting things to draw in our area and this approach is nothing new. We have hundreds of very accomplished artists in Lynchburg who have painted these sights and scenes. The “on-location” or “urban sketching” approach is no different but is, perhaps, a bit more casual or informal. What I’m promoting is not only on-location sketching and painting but also a collegial activity for like-minded people. I encourage all levels of sketchers to participate. This is not a class, not a competition but rather a loosely scheduled meetup where you can sketch with others and share ideas. In addition, everyone can learn something from each other.

I anticipate starting my weekly outings in early April and hope you’ll join me. If you’d like to join the Google Group Mailing List I’ve set up, please let me know by filling out my contact form.

NOTE: Images of John’s Richmond workshop used with permission. Visit John A. Hancock’s web site: https://www.johnahancock.com/.

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