My Fourth Watercolor Class Assignment

My Fourth Watercolor Class Assignment

I’m not able to attend the fourth and last session of my watercolor class at the Lynchburg Academy of the Arts tomorrow so I won’t see how our instructor approaches this painting. However, she sent the photo of a man who appears to be emerging from the top of steps that come up from a building by the sea, so I went ahead and gave it a shot. Though I got reasonably good at doing head portraits last year, I still struggle to draw full length people.

Actually, I’m rather pleased with the body of the man in light pants and bundled up in a green jacket, but his face isn’t great and my attempt at distinguishing between his face and hair didn’t quite work out. I’m a bit impatient when I paint and you can see where I didn’t wait long enough for one paint to dry before I applied another paint color. This happened with his shoes and the right arm of his coat.

All good learning experiences and I’ve really enjoyed the process in this instructor’s class. She’s offering another, very similar one right after this one. I’m signed up and ready to continue experimenting and learning.

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