Keeping an Illustrated Sketchbook Journal

Keeping an Illustrated Sketchbook Journal

Recently I saw photos posted by a Facebook friend of sheep and chickens and it perfectly fit with a new sketchbook idea I have. This 7 1/2” x 11” (19cm x 28cm) sketchbook was one of the first I made myself using 140lb/300g/m² Fabriano paper. I’ve never used it so thought I would to experiment with keeping kind of an illustrated journal of experiences, ideas, observations, etc. I find I’m careful still about what I sketch in my preferred Moleskine Art Watercolour sketchbook, so by using my homemade, larger page sketchbook I have no excuses to avoid experimenting. Don’t have a real plan here, just an idea. 

But back to Tonya’s photo of sheep. This one caught my eye and I wanted to paint it but it’s not a painting I could ever imagine making prints from (one from my evolving list of criteria for not drawing in Moleskine) so it seemed to be the type of sketch/painting I would do in my “journal” sketchbook. Notice that I had penciled in four rectangles on the page for potential sketches. As I was writing this post I realized that if this is to be a journal I should write something about why I drew Tonya’s sheep in the sketchbook. So I stopped, did just that, and retook the picture of the page.

Do you do something like this or are your sketchbooks only for drawings?

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