I'm Getting This Video Recording Figured Out - Plans for 2016

I have started a production schedule outline for the next two months.
I have started a production schedule outline for the next two months.

Getting back into recording video has been fun. One needs to mix things up now and then to keep sharp, to stay interested. I certainly have not forsaken still photography in favor of video by any means. That is still my primary interest and, no, I don't feel I've mastered it. I do, however, feel much more confident with my photographic skills than I did, say, five, six years ago. Gearing up (literally and figuratively) to work with video, though, has challenged me and added some excitement to the mix. I guess I need that every once and a while. Two years ago it was getting into micro4/3, mirrorless cameras. That was quite a change and lots of fun. Now I want to use those cameras and make good and useful videos. It's a progression.

Over the past few weeks, as I re-entered the world of video recording, I have had to learn (or relearn from 2012) a lot of new things and as a retired educator, that excites me! Another purpose with that process was to share my learning experiences publicly through this blog and, using video, via my YouTube channel (URL). If you go to my "Photography Learning Center" playlist on my channel (URL), you can see the videos I've shared. I feel I am now at a point where I'm happy with my video capture, my lighting, my audio, and my in-house "set" so that I can start recording the content I've been wanting to share.

This, of course, requires a commitment to continue to come up with that content and decide on how best to present it. And that, my friends, requires some kind of "production schedule" or plan. To that end, I've started mapping out a schedule of topics for weekly videos. I have a list into February. However, just as with a similar schedule for my blog posts, I'm sure it will change. Often! But, it is a start. I do this stuff for fun and because I like to share helpful information with others. I don't do it to build a business, so I don't feel compelled to stick to a schedule. I've already done that in my 'previous life!'

My latest practice video on YouTube:


If you would be interested in virtual tutoring sessions using either Skype or Google Hangouts, please drop me and e-mail or leave a private message to me on Facebook or Google+.

Please leave me questions or comments on my Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/billbooz) or on Google+ (http://plus.google.com/+BillBooz). I look forward to interacting with you!

Please follow my learning how to record video with my Olympus OM-D E-M1 on my YouTube Channel!

Check out my free eBook on Mastering Your Camera's Priority Modes: http://www.infotor.com/ebooks. Download and enjoy!

I am available to do one-on-one tutoring or small group lessons designed to meet YOUR needs and what you want to learn in the area of photography, using flashes, or the use of Apple products and software. Give yourself the gift of learning: http://www.infotor.com/photoclasses! And check out my tutoring bundle: http://www.infotor.com/photoclasses/tutoringbundle.php as well. A PDF of my brochure is at http://www.infotor.com/photoclasses/brochures/WHBI_2015-16Brochure.pdf.

Streamlining the Laying Out of Clips to Produce a Video - Adobe Premiere Elements

I'm Getting This Video Recording Figured Out - Plans for 2016