My Two "New" Lenses: 45mm and 25mm

A week or so ago I received a Facebook message from a gentleman in Brooklyn, NY. He had some Olympus and Panasonic gear for sale. I didn't know this gentleman, but in looking at his profile, he appeared to be legit. Long story short, I decided to purchase two of the lenses he had: the Panasonic 25mm, f/1.4 and the Olympus 45mm, f/1.8.

The Vanquest SKITCH-12 Messenger Bag - My First Impressions

My newest bag, the Vanquest SKITCH-12 messenger bag arrived yesterday. Out of the box, my first impression was that it compresses nice and flat. That's good because I plan to use this bag on trips as my "2nd bag" for day use while I carry the bulk of my camera gear in my Think Tank Retrospective 30 bag. The empty SKITCH-12 bag will, therefore, fit nicely in my checked bag and not take up much room.

My New Blog & Website

I have switched ISPs and opened a Squarespace account to host my new web site. I am excited about how easy it is to update the pages and add new content, But I am especially excited about how well my blog and web site now work closely together!

Videos, Wherefore Art Thou?

Whoa! It has been almost two months since I last made a video for my YouTube channel! Just as everyone says, starting a channel is the easy part, but keeping up the momentum and continuing to produce videos for your channel is the hard part. So true. Life does

Big Bag, Little Bag, Which is Easier to Carry?

Though I am looking for the "perfect" second bag to use for my camera gear when I just go out for a day of sightseeing (on a trip) or casual shooting, I do love that I'm pretty well set for anything with my tiny Panasonic GM-5 and three lenses in the small Mountainsmith bag.

Bags, Bags, and More Bags: What an Obsession!

Bags. Man, it really is a disease with photographers! Just when I think I have things figured out, something doesn’t work the way I had hoped with the bag or bags I have. Or, one of the prominent bag manufacturers comes out with a bag line that seemingly has all the perfect features. I recently went through the analysis of two bag lines to determine which bag I thought would be right for my desire to have a bag that would carry all, or very close to all, of the gear I typically want to take with me on a trip.

My Active Camera Collection - Why Do I Buy & Sell Cameras?

Yesterday I wrote about why I purchase new or used gear. I enjoy experimenting with such new pieces of gear (to me) to see if and how they change how I make images. I bought the new Olympus Air camera that looks like a lens but has a micro4/3 mount and will take any of my micro4/3 lenses because I wanted to see how I used it and how it worked. I loved the idea and was planning some interesting experiments using the Air remotely, but I eventually got so frustrated with connectivity and freezing up issues that I sold it.