Week 2: 2017 52-Week Photo Project

Week 2: 2017 52-Week Photo Project

My second week didn't live up to my first. I didn't take many shots during week one but I was happy with what I got. I took even fewer shots during the past week and all were at the end of the week. The theme, "Clock Faces," had possibilities, but I failed to really explore it, in my opinion. I may repeat it later in the year.

We have two nice clocks in our house plus a bunch of other table top time pieces. Naturally, many of our appliances have clocks as well. I got them, but I think this theme would be better demonstrated if I got out and about and captured images of clocks “in the wild” along with those at home. That will be my plan next time. I’m not giving up on this approach to a year-long photographic project. No. I’ll keep at it. Finding what works and what doesn’t is part of the process. The downside I am noticing, however, is that I am not taking as many pictures as I normally do. Hmmm? Maybe I need to do a parallel project. Wait! Maybe that’s what I can use Instagram for! Now, what will that be?

Week 3: 2017 52-Week Photo Project

Week 3: 2017 52-Week Photo Project

My InstaLesson Project

My InstaLesson Project