Wandering the Streets Series
Over the past year to 18 months I have found that I do enjoy shooting what I see when walking around new and familiar cities. “Street Shooting” is not a genre of photography I ever thought I’d be interested in pursuing, but I was wrong! Starting on my own maybe two years ago, I experimented with photographing people surreptitiously while my wife was shopping. When I went to my first Out of Chicago Photo Conference in June 2015, I went on several photowalks specifically to get a feel for what folks got out of street photography. I liked it. It was fun. I even got to where I could approach a complete stranger and ask to photograph him or her! When I had the chance after that, I continued to practice. During my second Out of Chicago Photo Conference in June 2016, I went on several photowalks to the point of exhaustion. I got bolder and I also got more interested. I find I like to photograph lots of different things, but I really enjoy photographing people.
So, when I recently went to Germany for two weeks, part of my plan was to do just that, but this time in different German cities. I have lots of images. Not all of them are of just people. Many are street scenes. Going through the images I captured on this trip has prompted me to start a series here on my blog that I’m calling “Wandering the Streets.” Over the next few weeks, I will be posting short posts along with galleries of images I captured in the different cities I visited in Germany. The first will be “Wandering the Streets: Regensburg, Germany.” Regensburg is a charming city in the German state of Bavaria. It lies north of Munich and east of Nuremberg. Watch for this first “Wandering the Streets” post!